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Depending on the user type and user rights, EMPPLAN offers various dashboards for specific requirements. Here you can get an initial overview

The Activity dashboard is visible to administrators. Itshows you all relevant activities in a timeline so that you can see who has just done what and where.

The filter area allows administratorsto track activities by project, date or other criteria

By clicking on the following links in the activity overview, you will be forwarded to the linked information:

  • Event user (user profile)
  • Project name (edit project)
  • Event (event details page)

On the right-hand side, you can see the timestamp (date and time) when the activity was carried out (e.g. when the event report was submitted)

The (customer) dashboard is available for administrators and your customers. It provides all stakeholders with a quick and in-depth insight into the data collected on your events.

Customers and field staff who use this dashboard see all data pre-filtered with their individual authorization and the active project settings. Customer users who are only assigned to one area, for example, only see events from locations in this area and cannot view key figures from other events and other areas, for example.

Furthermore, data that you as administrator do not release will not be displayed, e.g. visit data from events that have not yet been accepted or e.g. report data from events that are used for (agency) internal quality assurance or fraud prevention

The following KPI boxes are available:

  • Success overview incl. area benchmarks
    The following data dimensions are presented at the top level:
    Number of events, sales (gross), ⌀ sales per event (gross), number of transactions, ⌀ transactions per event, ⌀ commission per event as well as commissions and expenses / out-of-pocket expenses to provide an additional quick view of costs.
    The territory benchmark is only dependent on the project and date filter. It shows the average performance across all territories of the project in the selected period. Other filters are not taken into account.
  • separate KPI boxes with the data dimensions number of events, sales (gross), ⌀ sales per event (gross), number of transactions, ⌀ transactions per event, ⌀ commission per event and ⌀ sales per transaction (gross) for successes by
    • Area
    • Location
    • Product
    • User
  • Event overview
    Here you will not only find all the general data on events, but also qualitative and quantitative reporting data. Depending on how you have designed your reports in the project, this data is clearly presented in tabular form. If you use image uploads, there are special functions for you and your customers: An image gallery of uploaded photos is displayed here. As soon as you have opened an image here, you can click through the gallery of uploaded photos of all events using the left and right arrow keys. In order to recognize possible cases of fraud at an early stage, these are compared with the address of the location if meta and GPS data are available. Any discrepancies are shown directly here. An additional location check is displayed in the gallery next to the check-in time. If the event user has agreed to tracking, you can see the location at the time of check-in in a map view using Google Maps.
  • Graphical evaluations with location weekday heatmaps regarding events, turnover & transactions

You can exportthe data shown in Excel format using the action menus in the KPI boxes .

The KPI Dashboard is a dashboard that you can freely design for specific projects. Once set up, your customer also has read access to it with their specific authorization.

Events shows you the so-called event overview. It is only available to administrators. The dashboard helps you to monitor and edit your events using a tabular overview. You can use the filter function to customize the display to your needs.

The dashboard is helpful for managing staff or checking the event status live (e.g. how many promoters are already checked in for today’s event, etc.). This allows you torecognize staff shortages at an early stage and take countermeasures

The following data is displayedin the event overview:

  • Date
  • planned times
  • User
  • Location
  • Project
  • Check-ins
  • Event status
  • QR code check (for fraud prevention)
  • Commission

You can use the import-export icon to export the reporting, Export uploads and display provided exports of uploads.

You can use the following functions via the action menu:

  • Accept event report
  • Reject event report
  • Activatecheck-in commission (commission for promoters when the promoter checks in, e.g. up to a maximum of 15 minutes after the scheduled start time)
  • Activatereporting commission (commission for promoters if the report is submitted on time)
  • Assign event label
  • Delete events

The dashboard for event groups shows you a tabular overview of all event groups. It is available to administrators and, depending on the authorization configuration, also to customers. The dashboard helps you and your customers to monitor and edit unoccupied event groups, for example. You can use the filter function to customize the display to your needs.

The dashboard is helpful for quickly labeling many event groups. You can use event group labels to map approval processes with your customers, for example.

Customer budget management gives you as an agency and your industry customers a live overview of the budget status. A distinction is made between allocated, used, planned and still available budget. The customer budget shows the costs from your customer’s perspective and does not have to correspond exactly to the actual costs. An average value is often used here, which you can freely define for each project and event type.

You can read about how to set up a project with customer budget management here: https://www.empplan.com/training-center/product-management/#brands

You can add a budget booking manually using the round plus button. With the appropriate authorization, your customer can also add budget bookings manually

With a selected project and a date range, you can display your recruiting successes here in the form of applicant key figures

You can deactivate and reactivate the project filter set above using the Deactivate project filter tick box in the gray area .This allows you to easily switch the view between the complete overview and your set filter.

The following charts are available for you to view:

  • Applicants by reference (total number, percentage by reference, absolute number by reference) A reference is, for example, a linking website or a linking job portal.
  • Applicantsby campaign (total number, percentage by campaign, absolute number by campaign). Campaign names can be created individually by you in the respective project and shared within the URL that you use on the various recruiting platforms. This will show you which campaign resulted in the application received.
  • Applicant status (total number, percentage and absolute number of confirmed and unconfirmed applications/email addresses) EMPPLAN offers you the opportunity to evaluate your applicant quality through the so-called double opt-in procedure.
  • Applicants by reference (layered, daily timeline) Below the timeline you canselect the data to be displayed in the chartby clicking on the stored references .This allows you to see on which days your external campaignsworked particularly well.